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Evaluating LLMs (Part 2)- Evaluating the Groundedness of LLM Output Through Causally Similar Augmentations

Introduction and Motivation

Given the ubiquity of large language models (LLMs), an important question is how to evaluate the trustworthiness of an output of a LLM. In the more general deep network setting, research on adversarial machine learning shows how non-robust deep network outputs can be. For example, changing just one pixel in an image can flip the classification of the image. Representation learning is related to robust predictions; by learning representations that extract useful features and ignore useless features (say extract parts of the plane versus the blue sky background from an image of a flying airplane), we can better generalize and allow for better predictions on data with different useless features (i.e a purple sky background). Contrastive learning is a self-supervised technique used to learn better representations. The high level idea is that given an image (denoted as an anchor), images similar to the anchor should have a similar representation to the anchor representation whereas images dissimilar to the anchor should have a dissimilar representation to the anchor representation. One way to get images similar to an anchor, as done in the popular SimCLR method by (Chen et al. 2020), is to apply a bunch of data augmentation transformations to the anchor image.

Inspired by the data augmentation step in contrastive learning and representation learning for generalization more broadly, we propose a method to evaluate how grounded the output of an LLM is in the causal information of a given context (in practice the context might be defined by RAG). Here we denote causal information to mean necessary information that a reasonable output to the prompt logically follows from. We augment the context and generate "copies" of the context through augmentations that preserve the causal information of the original context. Then, we consider the similarity of the distribution of the output induced by original context to the distribution of the output induced by the augmented contexts to measure how logically grounded the output is in the causal information of the original context. The idea is that if the context contains sufficient causal information to generate a reasonable output logically grounded in such causal info and the output is indeed logically grounded in such causal info, (assuming that the augmented contexts preserve such causal info) the output should logically follow from the augmented contexts. Otherwise, if the output was not logically grounded in the causal info of the context, then the output should not logically follow from the augmented contexts. We measure the groundedness of the output of the prompt through the similarities of the distribution of the output induced by the anchor context to the distribution of the output induced by the augmented context copies.

Problem Setting

Given a large language model pθp_{\theta}, some prompt x0x_{0}, corresponding retrieved context c0c_{0} which should be used to answer the prompt, and answer y0=pθ(x0)y_{0}=p_{\theta}(x_{0}) we want to evaluate how much our answer y0y_{0} is logically grounded in the causal information of c0c_{0}. We say an output is (logically) grounded in some causal information if the output is a logical consequence of the causal information. To emphasize, the causal information must have a logical bearing on the output- high "salience" tokens that represent spurious correlations would not count for example.


To evaluate the groundedness of our answer y0y_{0} in the causal information of the retrieved context c0c_{0}, we apply a set of augmentation transformations TT to the context c0c_{0} to get augmented copies {ct}tT\{c_{t}\}_{t\in T} for each transformation tTt\in T. Each transformation is defined such that it changes the vocabulary of c0c_{0} (i.e we get different phrases) but preserves the logical meaning and more importantly the causal information. One way of doing this might be to ask a language model to re-word a particular sentence or paragraph while keeping the meaning intact.

We now consider the following four scenarios which motivate our measure of groundedness. For the first three, we assume that the retrieved context contains causal information to generate a reasonable output that can be grounded in or based on such causal info, whereas for the fourth case we assume not. (In the fourth case, an output in the setting of a useless context with no causal information, such as a political affairs document for a question about chemistry, could not be both a reasonable response to the prompt and grounded in the useless context.)

Case 1: The augmented contexts {ct}\{c_{t}\} preserve the causal information of the context and the output y0y_{0} on the original context is well-grounded in the causal information.

Case 2: The augmented contexts {ct}\{c_{t}\} preserve the causal information of the context and the output y0y_{0} on the original context is not grounded in the causal information.

Case 3: The augmented contexts {ct}\{c_{t}\} do not preserve the causal information of the context c0c_{0}.

Case 4: The original context c0c_{0} does not contain causal information that a reasonable output could be grounded in.

Fig1: Solid lines signify a causal relation between output and context; dotted signify no relation. Solid lines signify a causal relation between output and
context; dotted signify no relation.

The figure illustrates the different cases. In Case 1 where the output is grounded in the original context and the augmented contexts preserve the causal information, we see that the output is causally determined by the augmented contexts. In Case 2 where the output is not grounded in the context (ex: the output depends on tokens that have no logical bearing and possibly do not exist in the other augmented contexts), we see no causal relationship between the output and the augmented contexts. This is also true in Case 3 where the augmented contexts do not preserve the causal information of the original context. However, we expect this case to not be a problem since we assume that for the most part the generated augmented contexts preserve the logical meaning of the original contexts. Given this assumption, we can simply average over any degenerate augmented contexts. In Case 4 where the original context has no causal information to ground the output in, we see that there is no causal relation between the output and the augmented contexts.

The only desired scenario is Case 1 (augmented contexts preserve causal information and the output is grounded in the context) and we see that Case 1 is the only scenario where there is a causal relationship between the output and the augmented contexts. Based on this insight, we can detect whether an output is logically grounded in the context if there are causal relations between the augmented contexts and the output. Intuitively if there is a casual relation between an augmented context and the output, then the model can "recover" so to speak the output as it follows the causal inforformation in the augmented context; moreover we posit that the model should "recover" the distribution of the output induced by the original context. Specifically, we measure the average divergence between the distribution of the output induced by the original context and the distributions of the output induced by the various augmented context or tTKL[p(y0x0,c0)   p(yx0,ct)]\sum_{t\in T}KL[p(y_{0}|x_{0},c_{0})\;||\ p(y||x_{0},c_{t})] Whereas (Caron et al. 2021) choose cross entropy as a their measure of fit between pairs of augmentations, we choose the KL diveregence as we are solely interested in a measure of the divergence of the distributions that is irrespective of the entropy of the original distribution H(p(y0x0,c0))H(p(y_{0}|x_{0},c_{0})). We note that KL(pq)=H(p)+H(p,q)KL(p||q)=H(p)+H(p,q) where H(p,q)H(p,q) is the cross entropy of the two distributions.

For simplicity, we can also simply consider the likelihood of the output given the augmented context, since if the augmented context has the causal information that generated the output then the model should be able to predict the output with high probability.

In order to use our metric to quantify the level of groundedness of the output in the context (and not variations due to other factors such as whether the augmented contexts preserve the causal info or whether the context contains causal info for a reasonable output), we would want to ensure that our setting has a context with casual infomation and that the augmented contexts preserve the causal infomation.

Summary and Further Work

We measured how grounded the output of a LLM is based on a given context using augmented contexts. In order to utilize this method in practice, we would need to devise augmentations that preserve the logical meaning of the context- measuring logical preservation would require further investigation. We could improve on the method if we also chose particular augmented contexts; for example, building on the work of measuring "salience maps" in the transformer setting, we might consider augmenting the original contexts by imputing highly salient tokens with logical synonyms to "adversarially" generate augmentations which tease out whether an output is causally related to an augmented context.

We also make the assumption that if the output causally follows from the augmented context, then the model should be able to recover the distribution of the output induced by the original context.

Moreover, our measurement takes an average over all transformations for enough transformations to assume that in the case of some degenerate augmented contexts that do not preserve the causal information of the original context, we can simply "average over" those degenerate signals. We might be able to improve our measurement by noting that not all transfomations should be weighted equally. In fact, in cases where the augmented context does not preserve the causal information, there is no causal relation between the original context c0c_{0} and the output yTty_{T_{t}} generated from the augmented context cTtc_{T_{t}}. In contrast, if the augmented context does preserve causal information, then there is a causal relation between the original context c0c_{0} and the generated output yTty_{T_{t}}(assuming that the model generates yTty_{T_{t}} grounded in context cTtc_{T_{t}}, which we assume happens often). We can then get a modified weighted measurement tTwtKL[p(y0x0,c0)   p(yx0,ct)]\sum_{t\in T}w_{t}KL[p(y_{0}|x_{0},c_{0})\;||\ p(y||x_{0},c_{t})] where our weight is defined as wt=KL[p(ytx0,ct)   p(ytx0,c0)]w_{t}=KL[p(y_{t}|x_{0},c_{t})\;||\ p(y_{t}||x_{0},c_{0})]


  title   = "Evaluating the Groundedness of LLM Output Through Causally Similar Augmentations",
  author  = "Jung, Justin",
  journal = "Deep Exploration",
  year    = "2024",
  month   = "Jan",
  url     = ""


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