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Statistical Learning Theory Challenge Problems

Learning via gradient descent

References: Gordon 2012 Optimization Lecture 5

We can show that for a choice stepsize, gradient descent converges to the minimum L2L2 norm solution.

We use the huber loss function losshub(y^,y)loss_{hub}(\hat{y},y). Thus we can define sample loss as the objective function


Claim: ff is convex and differentiable.

To see that ff is convex w.r.t ww, we recognize that ff is a sum of functions- each function is either 12(<w,x>y)2\frac{1}{2}(<w,x>-y)^{2} which is the composition of a convex function x2x^{2} with an affine function and thus is precisely a convex function w.r.t. ww or <w,x>y12|<w,x>-y|-\frac{1}{2} where x=max(x,x)|x|=max(x,-x) is the pointwise maximum of convex functions and thus convex, and so we have the composition of a convex function with an affine function and thus we get a convex function w.r.t ww.

Since the sum of convex functions is convex we conclude ff is convex.

To see that ff is differentiable, it is enough to show that the partials are continuous. In particular we show that the partials of order 2 are continuous, meaning that ff is twice differentiable. We have

f(w)=1m[i:<w,xi>yi1sign(<w,xi>yi)xi+i:<w,xi>yi1(<xi,w>yi)xi]\nabla f(w)=\frac{1}{m}[\sum_{i:|<w,x_{i}>-y_{i}|\geq1}sign(<w,x_{i}>-y_{i})x_{i}+\sum_{i:|<w,x_{i}>-y_{i}|\leq1}(<x_{i},w>-y_{i})x_{i}]
fwj=1m[i:<w,xi>yi1sign(<w,xi>yi)xij+i:<w,xi>yi1(<xi,w>yi)xij]\frac{\partial f}{\partial w_{j}}=\frac{1}{m}[\sum_{i:|<w,x_{i}>-y_{i}|\geq1}sign(<w,x_{i}>-y_{i})x_{i_{j}}+\sum_{i:|<w,x_{i}>-y_{i}|\leq1}(<x_{i},w>-y_{i})x_{i_{j}}]
fwkwj=1m[i:<w,xi>yi1xikxij]\frac{\partial f}{\partial w_{k}w_{j}}=\frac{1}{m}[\sum_{i:|<w,x_{i}>-y_{i}|\leq1}x_{i_{k}}x_{i_{j}}]

which is precisely continuous and so we conclude ff is twice differentiable.

Claim: f(w)2f(w)f(w)d2f(w)22\nabla f(w)\nabla^{2}f(w)\nabla f(w)\leq d^{2}||\nabla f(w)||_{2}^{2}

It is enough to consider the case where the LHS is positive. In particular we have

2f(w)(w)=[j=1d(f(w))j1m[i:<w,xi>yi1xi1xij]j=1d(f(w))j1m[i:<w,xi>yi1xi2xij]j=1d(f(w))j1m[i:<w,xi>yi1xidxij]][j=1d(f(w))jdj=1d(f(w))jdj=1d(f(w))jd]\nabla^{2}f(w)\nabla(w)=\begin{bmatrix}\begin{array}{c} \sum_{j=1}^{d}(\nabla f(w))_{j}\frac{1}{m}[\sum_{i:|<w,x_{i}>-y_{i}|\leq1}x_{i_{1}}x_{i_{j}}]\\ \sum_{j=1}^{d}(\nabla f(w))_{j}\frac{1}{m}[\sum_{i:|<w,x_{i}>-y_{i}|\leq1}x_{i_{2}}x_{i_{j}}]\\ \vdots\\ \sum_{j=1}^{d}(\nabla f(w))_{j}\frac{1}{m}[\sum_{i:|<w,x_{i}>-y_{i}|\leq1}x_{i_{d}}x_{i_{j}}] \end{array}\end{bmatrix}\leq^{*}\begin{bmatrix}\sum_{j=1}^{d}(\nabla f(w))_{j}d\\ \sum_{j=1}^{d}(\nabla f(w))_{j}d\\ \vdots\\ \sum_{j=1}^{d}(\nabla f(w))_{j}d \end{bmatrix}

where \leq^{*} is elementwise inequality. This comes from the fact that x21    x1dx2=d||x||_{2}\leq1\implies||x||_{1}\leq\sqrt{d}||x||_{2}=\sqrt{d} and xijxikxijxikd|x_{i_{j}}x_{i_{k}}|\leq\sum|x_{i_{j}}|\sum|x_{i_{k}}|\leq d.

Then we consider (f)l(f)j(f)j(f)jdf22(\nabla f)_{l}\sum(\nabla f)_{j}\leq\sum|(\nabla f)_{j}|\sum|(\nabla f)_{j}|\leq d||\nabla f||_{2}^{2} and so we have that

f(w)2f(w)f(w)dl(f)lj(f(w))jd2f22\nabla f(w)\nabla^{2}f(w)\nabla f(w)\leq d\sum_{l}(\nabla f)_{l}\sum_{j}(\nabla f(w))_{j}\leq d^{2}||\nabla f||_{2}^{2}

giving us our conclusion.

Squared loss function

Here we consider the squared loss function ll and moreover we have that E[xxT]uI\mathbb{E}[xx^{T}]\succcurlyeq uI.


We show that the expectation of the empirical objective L(w)=1ti=1tl(w,(xi,yi))L(w)=\frac{1}{t}\sum_{i=1}^{t}l(w,(x_{i},y_{i})) is uu strongly convex. We use the following lemma:

Lemma: For twice differentiable ff, ff is α\alpha strongly convex iff xT2f(w)xαx2x^{T}\nabla^{2}f(w)x\geq\alpha||x||^{2}.

We denote the function in question f(w)=E[L(w)]=1ti=1tE[l(w,(xi,yi))]=12E[(ywTx)2]f(w)=\mathbb{E}[L(w)]=\frac{1}{t}\sum_{i=1}^{t}\mathbb{E}[l(w,(x_{i},y_{i}))]=\frac{1}{2}\mathbb{E}[(y-w^{T}x)^{2}].

Claim: f(w)f(w) is twice differentiable.

It is enough to show that the partials of second order are continuous. We note that

fwi=E[(ywTx)xi],fwjwi=E[xixj]=E[xixj]\frac{\partial f}{\partial w_{i}}=-\mathbb{E}[(y-w^{T}x)x_{i}],\frac{\partial f}{\partial w_{j}\partial w_{i}}=-\mathbb{E}[-x_{i}x_{j}]=\mathbb{E}[x_{i}x_{j}]

Then we have that


and by the positive definite assumption we have that for all xx that

xT(E[xxT]uI)x0    xTE[xxT]xux22x^{T}(\mathbb{E}[xx^{T}]-uI)x\geq0\implies x^{T}\mathbb{E}[xx^{T}]x\geq u||x||_{2}^{2}

and since we have

xT2f(w)xux22x^{T}\nabla^{2}f(w)x\geq u||x||_{2}^{2}

we assume conclude that the expectation of the empirical objective is uu strongly convex.


We show that FTL is 2B2B on-average-replace-one-stable to give us an expectation learning guarantee.

In particular, we have the following theorem (13.2) from Understanding Machine Learning Theory:

Theorem: ES[LD(A(S))LS(A(S))]=E(S,z),i[l(A(s(i),zi)l(A(S),zi)]\mathbb{E}_{S}[L_{D}(A(S))-L_{S}(A(S))]=\mathbb{E}_{(S,z'),i}[l(A(s^{(i)},z_{i})-l(A(S),z_{i})]

We can use this to give us a learning generalization guarantee if we know that it is on average replace one stable. We see for the non-negative squared loss function


and we note that for any l(w,zi)=12(yiwTxi)2l(w,z_{i})=\frac{1}{2}(y_{i}-w^{T}x_{i})^{2} that we have the upper bound given the assumption that with probability 11 that x1||x||\leq1 and yB|y|\leq B that


and so we have the trivial upper bound


concluding that it is 2B2B stable.

Then applying our theorem we get the following learning bound

ES[LD(A(S))LS(A(S))]2B    ES[LD(A(S))]2B+ES[LS(A(S))]\mathbb{E}_{S}[L_{D}(A(S))-L_{S}(A(S))]\leq2B\implies\mathbb{E_{S}}[L_{D}(A(S))]\leq2B+\mathbb{E}_{S}[L_{S}(A(S))]

Learning sparse linear predictors

Here we have the hypothesis class Hk={x<w,x>:  w0k}H^{k} = \{x \to <w,x> :\;||w||_{0}\leq k\} of kk sparse linear predictors.

We can show the hardness of learning k=nk=\sqrt{n} sparse linear predictors in the realizable case by showing a vertex cover reduction, since vertex cover is a NP-hard problem.

Let us be given any graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E). We can arbitrarily enumerate the vertices and with this ordering one-hot encode all edges e=(u,v)e=(u,v) as RV\mathbb{R}^{|V|} vector where the entry for u,vu,v is 1 and 0 everywhere else.

Now we define vev_{e} as the one hot encoded vector and we let our data be (xi,yi)=(ve,1)(x_{i},y_{i})=(v_{e,}1) all the encoded edges with label 11.

Let us denote the sub hypothesis class H+k={x<w,x>:w0  &  w0k}H_{+}^{k}=\{x\to<w,x>:w\succcurlyeq0\;\&\;||w||_{0}\leq k\} i.e all the kk sparse predictors whose elements are precisely non-negative. We also follow the convention that sgn(0)=1sgn(0)=-1.

Then the decision problem of vertex cover (i.e there exists a vertex cover of size at most kk vertices) is equivalent to the CONSH+nCONS_{H_{+}^{\sqrt{n}}} decision problem

w0Rn:i,  wTxi>0\exists w\succcurlyeq0\in\mathbb{R}^{n}:\forall i,\;w^{T}x*{i}>0

We recognize that

wTxi>0    yisgn(wTxi)>0    CONSH+n=1w^{T}x_{i}>0\iff y_{i}sgn(w^{T}x_{i})>0\iff CONS_{H_{+}^{\sqrt{n}}}=1

and moreover that if such consistent ww exists that means that we can use the vertices corresponding to the positive entries to construct our cover and we have that every edge is incident to such vertex cover. Similarly, if no consistent ww exists, then we cannot construct a vertex cover, meaning that VCOVER=1    CONSH+n=1VCOVER=1\iff CONS_{H_{+}^{\sqrt{n}}}=1 .

Then, we simply recognize that the assumption of non-negative entries for our decision problem does not matter since

wH+n:i,  wTxi>0    wHn:i,  wTxi>0\exists w\in H_{+}^{\sqrt{n}}:\forall i,\;w^{T}x_{i}>0\iff\exists w\in H^{\sqrt{n}}:\forall i,\;w^{T}x_{i}>0

The forwards implication is trivial since any n\sqrt{n} sparse linear predictor with non-negative entries is a n\sqrt{n} sparse linear predictor and the backwards implication is true since if such ww exists then we can replace any negative entry to a non-negative entry and we get a w0w \succcurlyeq 0 such that iwTxi\forall i\:w^{T}x*{i}.

Then we have that CONSHn=1    CONSH+n=1CONS_{H^{\sqrt{n}}}=1\iff CONS_{H_{+}^{\sqrt{n}}}=1 which means that the vertex cover decision problem

VCOVER=1    CONSHn=1VCOVER=1\iff CONS_{H^{\sqrt{n}}}=1

which concludes our vertex cover reduction to the decision problem of whether there exists a consistent n\sqrt{n} sparse linear predictor which shows the hardness of learning n\sqrt{n} linear predictors in the realizable case.


Here we are given that for any p(1,2]p\in(1,2], Ψ(w)=wp2\Psi(w)=||w||_{p}^{2} is 2(p1)2(p-1) strongly convex. We then show that RERM with a choice p,λp,\lambda can learn convex GG Lipschitz BB bounded problems.

Since Ψ(w)\Psi(w) is 2(p1)2(p-1) strongly convex, following the work in 4b)4b) we can easily get that λΨ(w)\lambda\Psi(w) is 2λ(p1)2\lambda(p-1) strongly convex. In particular, applying the β\beta stability result from 4a)4a), we get a stability rate of


which gives us the learning guarantee

ES[LD(A(S))]infw1BLD(w)+supw1BλΨ(w)+4G22λ(p1)m\mathbb{E}_{S}[L_{D}(A(S))]\leq inf_{||w||_{1}\leq B}L_{D}(w)+sup_{||w||_{1}\leq B}\lambda\Psi(w)+\frac{4G^{2}}{2\lambda(p-1)m}

Now we pick our choice p=1+1logdp=1+\frac{1}{logd} where we note that assuming that d>ed>e that p(1,2)p\in(1,2) and we also pick λ=G2logdmB2\lambda=\sqrt{\frac{G^{2}logd}{mB^{2}}}. Then our learning guarantee upperbound becomes

infw1BLD(w)+supw1Bwp2G2logdmB2+4G2logd2mmB2G2logdinf_{||w||_{1}\leq B}L_{D}(w)+sup_{||w||_{1}\leq B}||w||_{p}^{2}\sqrt{\frac{G^{2}logd}{mB^{2}}}+\frac{4G^{2}logd}{2m}\sqrt{\frac{mB^{2}}{G^{2}logd}}

=infw1BLD(w)+supw1Bwp2G2logdmB2+2G2B2logdm=inf_{||w||_{1}\leq B}L_{D}(w)+sup_{||w||_{1}\leq B}||w||_{p}^{2}\sqrt{\frac{G^{2}logd}{mB^{2}}}+2\sqrt{\frac{G^{2}B^{2}logd}{m}}

then by Minowski's we have that w\forall w wpw1||w||_{p}\leq||w||_{1} and so

infw1BLD(w)+B2G2logdmB2+2G2logdB2m=infw1BLD(w)+G2B2logdm+2G2B2logdm\leq inf_{||w||_{1}\leq B}L_{D}(w)+B^{2}\sqrt{\frac{G^{2}logd}{mB^{2}}}+2\sqrt{\frac{G^{2}logdB^{2}}{m}}=inf_{||w||_{1}\leq B}L_{D}(w)+\sqrt{\frac{G^{2}B^{2}logd}{m}}+2\sqrt{\frac{G^{2}B^{2}logd}{m}}

=infw1BLD(w)+3G2B2logdm=inf_{||w||_{1}\leq B}L_{D}(w)+3\sqrt{\frac{G^{2}B^{2}logd}{m}}

which gives us the desired form of

ES[LD(A(S))]infw1BLD(w)+O(G2B2logdm)\mathbb{E}_{S}[L_{D}(A(S))]\leq inf_{||w||_{1}\leq B}L_{D}(w)+O(\sqrt{\frac{G^{2}B^{2}logd}{m}})